Get 'Em Before They're Gone!

As many of you may have heard - or perhaps sadly noticed when trying to watch after 9/30 - the critically acclaimed Battlestar Galactica expired on Netflix a few days longer available to stream with a Netflix subscription.   While it's available to purchase at Amazon VOD, it's also no longer available to stream with an Amazon Prime subscripton.
If you have PlayLater and heard the news, then you were among the lucky folks who were able to record unwatched episodes before that 9/30 expiration date.
That got us thinking...wouldn't it be cool if there was a tool out there that would let you know when a show or movie might be expiring...not just on Netflix, but other services.
In our exploration, we happened to stumble over this cool site:
You can filter by a variety of services...and even quickly find those shows and movies that are scheduled to expire on Hulu!  Take a gander at these links for shows and movies scheduled to expire soon on Hulu
Hulu TV Shows Expiring Soon
Hulu Movies Expiring Soon
And for those of you outside the US – you can even filter Netflix results for each category by region (did we mention that we support Netflix in 16 countries now?!!!?)
So, fire up those recording queues, and get 'em before they're gone!
