Old School 3D and Retro Movies!

There is a ton of super cool content available using PlayOn.  We're always on the lookout for the best in cool, fun online videos so we can bring them to you.
We've stumbled on a couple of real gems...
A Vimeo channel dedicated to Stereoscopic 3D.  Dust of those old blue and red cardboard glasses, pop some popcorn and hit play.  Just search for stereoscopic 3D or browse here and subscribe under your free Vimeo account.
And, for some cool retro movies, download the Pluto.tv plugin available at the PlayOn Plugin Channel Store:
Once you have the plugin installed, select Pluto.tv via PlayOn, select the entertainment category and check out the Retro Movies channel for some retro awesomeness.  Oh, and the plugin supports Pluto.tv user accounts.  You can save videos to your free Pluto.tv account online and then easily watch at any device using PlayOn!
Happy streaming!
